Changing record owner in CRM

Changing record owner in CRM

In CRM, all records must have one owner attached. But what if the owner of a record leaves the company, and you need to reassign ownership?

First, it is important to understand that ALL records have an owner, that includes Tasks, Accounts, Deals, Contacts, etc. If you wish to reassign accounts, you probably want to update ownership on the contacts, tasks, and deals associated with that account as well.

First, select the records which you wish to change the ownership for. Do this by the search and filter functionality - display all Accounts owned by a the person leaving the organisation.

Second, select these accounts (maximum 100 at the time), and click the button "Change Owner",

Third, select the new owner - if you have a distribution to multiple owners, you must make a secondary filter first to isolate the records by one (new) owner at the time.

Fourth, select which of the related entities (Contacts, Activities, Deals) you wish to change ownership for as well.