It is possible to create email templates for automated and mass emailing within CRM. This is not a replacement for Zoho Campaign (or Mail Chimp), but it is a very handy way to automate emails sent to leads, or contacts based on certain events. To create a new email template, go to Setup menu, and select Templates under the header Customisation.
Click the button New Template - and select to what module the template applies (you can have a template only apply to one module - i.e. Leads - if you want to make the same template apply to Contacts as well, you need to create a duplicate template. Click next, and you will be taken to a screen with predefined templates.
You can select a template you wish to use as a base, or create a blank template. Advanced users can insert a custom HTML file. In this example, we are using the blank template.
Creating a template is as easy as drag and drop. Drag elements from the left hand side menu, and drop them to the desired place in the CRM. You can then edit the contents.
The top bar is used for formatting and adding hyperlinks (i.e. to websites). Use the # symbol to add merge fields (i.e. recipient name) to the email. Note: you can only add merge fields from the module selected. Once the merge field is selected, the #symbol will be replaced by ${module.attribute}. Below is a sample email template for Leads.
All fields in the module are available, including your custom fields.
Once your template is complete, you have to name it, and write a subject line (this is the subject used in the email. In this case the template is named "New lead - contact shortly", and the subject of the email is "Contact Aurelian Group". Note that it is possible to have a merge tag in the subject line as well (i.e. "${Leads.First Name}, ${Leads.Lead Owner} will be in touch soon!").
Once you have saved the template, it is available from that module. You can manually send the email via the leads module in CRM by opening the lead record, click on "Send Email", and you can select the template.
Alternatively, you can create a workflow that will automatically send an email based on specific actions (in this case, an email is sent automatically upon creation of a new lead (you might want to enable this only for leads created via the Web signup forms, or some other filter.
As with everything automated with workflow - take great care in the selection criteria for kicking off the workflow. It is very easy to inundate your contacts and leads with inappropriate amounts of communication.