How to generate the code for SalesIQ to provide to your webmaster

How to generate the code for SalesIQ to provide to your webmaster

First, go to settings, and select the heading Websites

If your domain is listed, click on it. If your domain is not yet listed, or you need to add a new one, click Create New.

Select which options you wish to enabled - click on the buttons to enable or disable
1. Visitor tracking - keep track of your individual visitors, and their actions on the website
2. Live chat widget - enable the visitors to send you a message or engage in an online chat on the website
3. Live chat for mobile apps - software development kit for mobile chat applications
4. Live chat for emails - generate a signature code for emails which enable direct live chat (as alternative to responding to the email)

Settings 1 and 2 (visitor tracking and live chat widget) generate the same settings for the webmaster to add - you do not need to send the code twice - for example, when you enable visitor tracking, but
NOT chat, you enable a widget. If you enable visitor tracking AND chat, you still only add one widget. It does not matter which widget (for option 1 and 2) you generate.

In order to get to the widget screen, click on one of the boxes for either Visitor Tracking or Live chat widget, anywhere in the box but not on the enable/disable button. The following screen will open:

You can send the instructions to the webmaster, which will open an email to the webmaster. There are also tutorials available. 

Further, on the left hand side menu, there are options customising the widget and the chat window, to make this more consistent with your brand.