The date format displayed uses the format of your locale - if your locale is set to United States, you will see the USA format of dates (mmmm dd, yyyy - or April 22, 2019). If your locale is set to Australia, the format changes to dd/mm/yyyy (or 22/04/2019),
When you enter a phone number in the phone and mobile fields in CRM, it is formatted to the USA format IF the phone number is 10 digits AND there are no spaces or special characters entered.
So a phone number 0280037477 would be formatted as (028) 003-7477. Great if you are in the USA - but for the rest of us it is useless.
Since May 10, Zoho has released a "fix" for this issue. If your locale is set to anything else but the USA, you should see the differences immediately. If your phone numbers are still formatted in the USA format, here are the steps to remedy this:
1. Open settings and click Personal Settings
2. Set the locale to your country, instead of the United States
Note: these are personal settings - every user needs to set these for themselves.
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