Zoho CRM - importing records fails

Import of related records failing

In Zoho CRM, there is an option to import related records. In cases where a related record is associated with a record containing an email address (for example contact persons or users), the sample file shows the Contact or User Name - what actually needs to be imported is the email address of the contact or user. This is considered to be unique (note, in standard CRM it is not set as a unique value record, so you technically could have in CRM two contacts sharing the same email address - for example 2 people sharing the info@ email address. This is rare, and should be avoided).

When uploading deals - the contact person that is linked to the deal is named Contact Name in the sample file- however, when mapping the contact person in CRM, it requires the email address of the contact. This means that email addresses in Contact persons should be unique to make this work (i.e. no two contact persons with the same email address).

Account records do not have an email ID - these are identified by Account Name. Therefore, working with multiple branches of one account as separate accounts in CRM, these should be named uniquely.
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