We are a small business and need all data is shared with all users in CRM

We are a small business and need all data is shared with all users in CRM

In most cases, CRM is set up with a strict data sharing policy - all records are private to the owner and the people above in the hierarchy. However, in small businesses, it is much more common to have all data shared across the system, as there is not so much of a hierarchy to speak of.

The Service Administrator must complete these steps (if you cannot complete these steps, please contact your service administrator).
In order to share data across all users in CRM, navigate to Settings, and under Users and Control click Security Control.

In the next screen, click on the tab Data Sharing Options. All the data sharing rules are by default set to Private. Click on Edit All Default Permissions.

Set all the modules/entities to the default access level.
Private: only accessible to the record owner, record owner's managers in the hierarchy, and administrators
Read only: record owner, record owner's managers in the hierarchy, and administrators have full access, all others can view the records
Read/Write/Delete: every user in the CRM system has full access to the record